Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Abstract art and ostrich eggs

For me, titles come at the end of the process. While working, the mind wanders... what an amazing process occurs with a new life. A female ovum is fertilized by a male sperm and almost immediately cell division occurs. Without that process the egg cannot sub-divide and create a new life. As an aside- the family went on a tour of Prospect Plantation in St Mary, Jamaica. A very interesting tour, visited by many prominent personalities, even Winston Churchill spent some time there. He was invited by his friend Sir Harold Mitchell, British author, industrialist and politician. The tour included various practices that occur on a plantation, but more interestingly there are ostriches and camels there. Back to the topic of cell division. We saw a number of ostrich eggs, when we enquired if they'll hatch, the reply was in the negative. "The eggs aren't fertilized", was the reply. The kids had a ball, I mean an egg of a time. Although there were male and female ostriches, the conditions weren't right for fertilization and cell division. The above drawing is called "Binary." The first stage in cell division. The convoluted analogy, unrelated to ostrich eggs, came to mind.

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