"Circle of Convenience" by E. Moo Young. Acrylic/mixed media abstract painting
on paper.
Painting, like music, has nothing to do with the reproduction of nature, nor interpretation of intellectual meanings. Whoever is able to feel the beauty of colors and forms has understood non-objective painting. (Hilla Rebay)
Abstract pictures are fictive models, because they make visible a reality that we can neither see nor describe, but whose existence we can postulate. (Gerhard Richter)
The painter can and must abstract from many details in creating his painting. Every good composition is above all a work of abstraction. All good painters know this. But the painter cannot dispense with subjects altogether without his work suffering impoverishment. (Diego Rivera)
A conscious decision to eliminate certain details and include selective bits of personal experiences or perceptual nuances, gives the painting more of a multi-dimension than when it is done directly as a visual recording. This results in a kind of abstraction... and thus avoids the pitfalls of mere decoration. (Wayne Thiebaud)
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